Board Meeting Preparation Checklist


There is no secret that planning and holding productive board meetings takes a lot of time. And while preparing for board meetings can take weeks of hard work, the key efforts required to prepare and inform board members are key. In this publication, we’ll look at some of the best ways to prepare for a board meeting and provide a checklist for preparing for a board meeting that you can use as a guide.

How are you preparing for the board meeting?

Although there is no one-size-fits-all secret recipe that will allow every board administrator and management professional to plan and conduct the best board meetings, there are guidelines you can follow. They include also a checklist.

Checklist is a Half of Success

Here is an example of a checklist that will help in preparation of board meeting. After all, the secret of success in any business is to systematize the process itself. The system is very important.

Founding of an association

    • Preliminary investigations.
    • Are there HSK clubs with the same focus?
    • Does an interest group already exist?
    • Are there enough potential members and board members?
    • Which offers are desired?
    • Is there sufficient knowledge about HSK?
    • What financial sources are there? How do you get enough money?

Preparatory Group

      • looking for dedicated people with the same interests for a small preparatory group;
      • purpose of the association, i.e. specify the hsk offer (non-commercial purpose);
      • specify club name and check if the name is not already taken;
      • create statutes;
      • looking for board members.

Inaugural Meeting


        • determining who does what (welcome, explanation of the club’s goals, the hsk offer, suggesting candidates for the daily presidency and taking minutes);
        • create agenda;
        • prepare attendance list;
        • find a meeting place;
        • send the invitation with the attachments (introduction to the initiative group, draft statutes, list of agenda items);
        • invite other interested parties, authorities and ig hsk representatives or media.


          • Conduct the inaugural meeting according to the agenda
          • Name the founding members in the attendance list
          • Read and sign the protocol
          • Accept those who wish to join as members (with a written declaration of membership)
          • Possibly inform parents or the media


Preparations for a board meeting

Set an appointment in good time (annual planning)

Reserve meeting rooms and ensure infrastructure

Discuss agenda items with the members of the Board of Management and request related documents

Depending on the agenda item, invite other participants (e.g. teachers)

Consult the last protocol

Create an agenda with a time schedule

Send invitation with agenda and documents 14 days before the meeting

Determine the table order: Everyone should be able to see each other and spread out their documents.

Create an agenda for the general meeting:

          • greeting;
          • acceptance of the minutes of the last general meeting (mv);
          • accountability of the management board (annual report, annual accounts, report of the control body);
          • discharge of the board (décharge);
          • budget-relevant agenda items such as the annual program or changes in membership fees;
          • annual budget;
          • business that must be dealt with at the agm, e.g. changes to the articles of incorporation;
          • elections (board, auditors);
          • motions from members that do not fall under the agenda items mentioned;
          • various;
          • completion of the official part.



Tips for Taking Minutes

          • clarify what type of minutes should be drawn up: decision minutes or negotiation minutes;
          • preparation of the attendance list for members and guests;
          • note: type of meeting: board / mv / commission; place, date and time;
          • possibly number the log because it makes archiving easier; management and minute taker/in the meeting; excused and unexcused absences;
          • have the agenda ready for better orientation;
          • write down resolutions and orders in the original wording (enquire and consult written applications) and highlight them;
          • use simple, understandable language, summarize long discussions, do not offer personal opinions;
          • note the end of the meeting and any new appointments;
          • clarify who must sign the protocol and to whom it will be sent.

